Synergy Building Company has built quite a few sealed crawlspaces. Generally, whenever we are building a new home, or putting on a new addition, we strongly recommend that the crawlspace be sealed and semi-conditioned space. This is also the case with sealing attic spaces. The advantage of keeping HVAC equipment and ducts in a semi-conditioned space makes sense for a lot of reasons. Now, we are finding more interest in sealing existing ... Read full post »
AGC is “Building a Green Future”
On April 22, 2010, just in time for Earth Day,  the AGC (Associated General Contractors of America)  released a report called “Building a Green Future.”   It’s a very comprehensive document that provides a blue print for increasing demand, and funding for environmentally conscious construction techniques, and how following these plans would make a big impact on our collective carbon footpr ... Read full post »
Lead Paint Regulations from the EPA
Recently you may have read in the paper or heard about the “new” law aimed at protecting children from the health hazards associated with lead based paint.  The law requires training and sets work practice standards for  contractors working in homes that were built prior to 1978. While the law has received a lot of press recently, as it has become effective as of the end of April 2010,  it was proposed in the ... Read full post »